Are you passionate about the great outdoors? Imagine the thrill of operating some of the largest and most powerful machines on the planet!

Across the nation, the demand for forest products is rising, and so is the demand for logging professionals.

Timber harvesting is a fundamental forest management activity crucial in maintaining the health of forests and communities. Logging creates habitats for wildlife and safeguards streams from erosion. Forest product manufacturing is the seventh-largest industry.

Harvested timber is essential for creating building materials, paper goods, packaging, and a diverse range of consumer items like tissues and medical supplies. Additionally, a continuous stream of innovative products is being introduced. Forest-derived materials are increasingly crucial in pursuing sustainable energy.

the people who harvest, process, and transport timber make it all possible.


Achieve proficiency in operating equipment, acquire a CDL, acquire experience in forestry, improve skills through an industry program, distinguish oneself in the job market, progress in one's career, work in the outdoors, increase earnings, handle cutting-edge equipment, operate log trucks, embark on a career in logging and TIMBER TRUCKING.

logging and forestry have the highest levels of self-reported happiness — of any major industry category, according to our analysis of thousands of time journals from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey. (Additional reporting sharpened our focus on lumberjacks and foresters, but almost everyone who works on farms or in forests stands out.)


CONNECT WITH state associations TO learn about local JOB opportunities

become a logging workforce ambassador

As a logging workforce ambassador, you will collaborate with local associations and teachers to increase the school's and community’s awareness of career opportunities and emphasize the significance of forest management to young individuals.